ML Re assessments
Here at Blue Peris we are passionate about giving people the opportunity to get out in the hills and mountains. We understand the commitment required in order to obtain a Summer ML and also know how it feels to have been deferred on an assessment.
What we wish is for you to get that award completed, so that you too can go and inspire many others into the wilds of the UK mountains. We understand it can be stressful being assessed and the thought of coming back again! Fear not, our assessors will make you feel at ease, giving you the opportunity to show us you’re up for the job.
We offer what we feel is a very competitive rate compared to other providers. Our course is all about giving you a nudge in the right direction and going for assessment again. If it’s just sole night navigation ( not day into night and not mid summer ) then this cost is £120.00. For a days re-assessment the cost is £180.00. This is due to the fact there is an assessor for the day, admin time and course registration fees.
These costs assume we use your transport to the venue; you supply all your own equipment and source your own board and lodgings. However, we offer on site self catering accommodation should you require this (at extra cost).
We will try and run any re-assessment to suit candidate’s requirements, so give us a call.
Making a booking
We ask you to contact the centre so we can discuss the nature of your deferral and decide what the best course of action is. You will have been given a deferral page at the end of your assessment, if this was not the case , then the course director of your course should have told you to download the deferral page off the CMS. The CMS is the candidate management system which you access with your own username and password.
Self catering accommodation offered by Blue Peris
Please visit the White Peris section of the website for our on site self catering accommodation. We think you will find it good value.