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Blue Peris Core Values

Our contribution to raising pupil achievement:

At Blue Peris, pupils develop confidence, communication skills, relationship skills, gain courage and insight into their capabilities as individuals and group members.

Our Blue Peris Mission Statement is the basis of all our courses:

To develop confidence and an awareness of self, others and the world around us through positive learning experiences in new and challenging environments.

The personal development that results from students’ experiences links directly to the educational ideals outlined in the Outdoor Manifesto, launched by the DfES in November 2006 and the values and aims of the National Curriculum which are “essential to raising standards of attainment for all pupils”.

The Blue Peris Core Values address the learning and developmental needs of pupils and to demonstrate the strong links that courses at Blue Peris have with the National Curriculum and other initiatives.

Through challenging outdoor activities and residential routines the Blue Peris Values aim to achieve our own five Generic Learning Goals:

  1. Personal development through a positive approach to mental and physical challenges, developing the ability to set realistic goals, take action and evaluate progress.
  2. Develop an understanding of the roles and responsibilities within a group.
  3. Develop an understanding of appropriate standards of behaviour, and of the importance of communication, co-operation, encouragement and support.
  4. Develop an understanding and awareness of the fragile environment we live in.
  5. Develop the ability to recognise hazards and devise/follow risk control strategies.

By the end of their course pupils will have developed a deeper understanding of themselves and the contribution they can make to group success. They will have a broader understanding and appreciation of the natural environment and how to reduce the impact that we have on fragile habitats. They will return home buzzing with memories that will last and influence them well into the future.

Teachers report positive effects on pupils of all academic abilities when they return to the classroom after their course at Blue Peris.

Sea level traverse at The Range
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