Youth Groups - Youth Residential Groups
Every young person learns differently. Our outdoor activity residential courses approach learning with a strong focus on positive outcomes. These in turn build on personal and group competence and esteem, plus the awareness of others, resulting in the progress of young people under your care.
Our courses, which are designed in consultation with our customers, introduce and nurture personal qualities such as confidence building, rewards, initiative, commitment, teamwork, communication, perseverance, challenge and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
On a Blue Peris course you can expect the activities to take the students outside their comfort zones if required. The activities can be a combination of on and off site, with time built in to deliver you own sessions if required.
The course program is tailored to every group’s individual needs with activities that maximise the learning for the students and provide them with a variety of new experiences.
See the sample programme as an example of what we deliver to one of our clients. On a daily basis we consider the weather and the needs of the groups and review the activity accordingly.
Examples of groups we have provided courses for:
- Flintshire Youth Service
- Anglesey Youth Justice Service
- Connexions
- Oblate Youth Mission
- Bedfordshire Youth Services
- Police Cadets (Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire)
- Shishukunj (cultural youth organisation)
- Scouts and Guides
- ASDAN Certificate of Personal Effectiveness
Please contact the centre for further information and so that we can discuss your requirements and give you costings